Beach north-northwest orientation located in a rural setting .
It is sheltered from winds and currents. It has approximate dimensions of 125 m long and 20 m average width at high tide. You can access it by car or on foot.
Characteristics of Beaches
AccessA pié fácil
Sand TypeFina
Distance to the nearest town3 kms a O Grove
Distancia a medios de transporte3,5 kms (Interurbano Pontevedra-O Grove)
Dimensions125 m.
Feature bathing areaEstá al abrigo de vientos y corrientes.
Summer weatherBuena
Shadow zoneYes
Picnic areaNo
easy parkingYes
Sheltered from windsYes
blue flagYes
Other featuresUna de las playas más frecuentadas de O Grove por el turismo durante la época estival.